
 All businesses are dependent on the income they earn from their customers, clients or buyers. In most larger businesses it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to its customers. In any case, all those who have a direct responsibility for identifying, reaching and satisfying customers are engaged in marketing and everybody in a business needs to understand its marketplace activities. This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action.

The course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. There is then assessment of buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion - and why this is necessary.


·         To equip the students with requisite knowledge, skills &right attitude necessary to provideeffective leadership in a global environment.

·         To develop competent management professionals with strong ethical values, capable ofassuming a pivotal role in various sectors of the Indian Economy &Society, aligned with the national priorities.

·         To develop proactive thinking so as to perform effectively in the dynamic socio-economic and business ecosystem.

·         To harness entrepreneurial approach and skill sets.

 Learning Outcome

 At the close of the semester, student will:

 ·         Interpret complex marketing issues and problems using relevant theories, concepts and methods with regard to ethical conduct.

·         Apply contemporary marketing theories to the demands of business and management practice.

 ·         Developed understanding of various facets of Marketing management

·         The ability to take decisions and plan, develop, execute and control marketing strategies

·         Attainment of organizational marketing goals.