Scope and Objective of the course: Statistical Mechanics is the bridge between macroscopically observed physical properties and their underlying microscopic details. This is a master's-level course on statistical mechanics and in the current course we will be mostly dealing with the equilibrium statistical mechanics.
1. This course in statistical mechanics provides the basic idea of probability to the students. There are ways of calculating probability for various statistical system of particles.
2. Students will study basic ideology of phase space, microstate, macrostate.
3. The objective is to apply the principles of probability in distribution of particles in various systems and to calculate thermodynamic probability.
4. This course develops concepts in classical laws of thermodynamics and their application, postulates and principle of statistical mechanics,
5. It aims at imparting statistical interpretation of thermodynamics, microcanonical, canonical and grant canonical ensembles; the methods of statistical mechanics are
6. The course focusses on the development of the statistics for Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac and photon gases; selected topics from low temperature physics and electrical and thermal properties of matter are discussed.
7. The micro-canonical, the canonical, and the grand canonical ensembles would be derived by finding the density matrix that maximizes the entropy.
8. The course will also discuss quantum statistical mechanics and statistical mechanics of interacting systems.
Course Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the learners will be able to
1. Learn the different types of statistics distribution and particles and will be to interpret different types of events.
2. Apply the principles of probability in distribution of particles in various systems.
3. Explain the concept of density matrix and will be to calculate the probability for various statistical system of particles.
4. Discuss, understand and be able to apply the various classical ensembles such as the Micro-Canonical, Canonical, and Grand Canonical Ensembles to appropriate statistical mechanics problems.
5. Study the basic ideology of phase space, volume, microstate, microstate.
6. Solve the statistical mechanics problems and explain the connection between classical statistical mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics.
7. Distinguish easily between different types of particles and statistics and can easily distribute bosons, fermions and classical particles among energy levels.
8. Understand the quantum statistical physics of Fermions and Bosons.
9. Apply Fermion and Boson Statistics to various many particle problems.
10. Develop a basic, working knowledge of classical and quantum statistical mechanics and should be able to solve simple problems in these areas.
By the end of the course learners will learn which particles follow which statistics and why. The aim is to apply these statistical distributions in real life problems and understand their problems Many real systems of particles will be dealt throughout the course to relate the theoretical knowledge to practical one and pave way for advanced research for an interested student.
- Teacher: Beauty Pandey